Monday, April 18, 2011

How to Use Nine Tips to Protect Eyes When Surfing on the Internet by Danica Wang

We know there will be inevitably resulting in some symptoms of eyes: such as declining eyesight, eye pain, fear of light, decreased ability to adapt darkness. Do the following to protect your eyes:

Have an intermittent rest: a short time rest contributes to relax eyes, but you doing this are better to leave your seat and look as far as the eye can see. This process maintains about 10 seconds, having an infinite help for protecting eyes. 

Eye-motion: move the eyes if you face the computer for an hour. For example, looking up to take a deep breath, then move your sight to the middle, repeat this action for three or four times. Remember that continue the same action in the left and right.

Blinking: actually this movement can make eyes have secretion of tears, keeping eyes moist. It's quite important for the office lady wearing contact lenses. Many working women are so concentrating on work for long time that forgetting to blink, which makes eyes very dry.

Take a breath: In fact, this action can accelerate blood circulation. According to a research, many women stare at computers leading to breathing slowly, and remain you of keeping breathing smoothly, which also can relax eyes.

Health diet: to some extent, eating some food is beneficial to protecting eyes. For example, deep sea fish contains a lot of DHA which can develop the retina. In addition, carrots, lemons, blueberries, nuts, animal livers and so on are also helpful to protect eyes.

Eat more kinds of fruits: Citrus fruits are the best choice. Of course, eating more green vegetables, grain, fish and eggs can protect eye disease. Meantime, drinking more water relieves dry eyes.

Keep good posture: look at the screen at eye level, so can make the neck muscles relaxed, which can make eyeballs exposed to the air to minimize the contact area.

Adjust the distance between the computer and you: Suggestions for 50 to 70 centimeters distance, while screen should be slightly below the eye level position 10-20 centimeters.

Be wary of wearing contact lenses: in front of a computer is not suitable for wearing lenses, but for frame glasses. If you have to, choose glasses of high degree of hypoxic.

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